God’s Power



Practical How to Instructions

How to FREE yourself from fear and worry

“Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They are containers of power. Many people have been defeated in life because they believed and spoke the wrong things. They have allowed the words of their own mouths to hold them in bondage.

“God created the universe by speaking it into existence. He has given that same ability to you in word form. To be effective in life, you must speak words of faith. Every faith principle, every spiritual law, every promise of God was set forth for your growth. He designed His Word to put you over in life.”

Charles Capps

Learn how you can release the ability of God by the words of your mouth. Fear-filled words will defeat you. Faith filled words will put you over! You must train yourself to stand guard continually at the door of your mind, and to let in NO thoughts or feelings that you do not want to out-manifest in your life. Thoughts are things that become your reality! What you think and believe to be true in your mind will become your reality in your life.

What you are about to read is not theory. It is spiritual law. It works every time it is applied correctly. It is universal truth taught by Jesus and other great leaders that everyone can receive free of charge. Jesus said in John 14:12 “…He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also; and greater…”

Jesus also said… “I have told my people they can have what they say, and they are saying what they have.” So, think carefully on what you are about to read, and you will see that it is the only way to permanently free yourself from fear and worry

It may seem hard at first and you may not know which thoughts to admit and which ones to deny. But guard the door of your mind carefully from every negative thought and feeling of whatsoever nature, from every thought that you know your Heavenly Father would not have you think, from every doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, or concern of any kind; from every tendency to criticize, judge or condemn anybody or anything or any condition, from self-pity, jealousy, envy, irritation, unkindness, anger and hatred.

Toss these thoughts out of your mind. Give them over to God and trust that He does know what to do. Trust that He will lead and guide and bless you, even if you do not understand at the present time why things are as they are. He knows and is in control. Whether you know it or not at the time, you are blessed and all in your world is as it is meant to be!

If you will keep all such negative thoughts out of your mind, you will see that then, and only then, can you draw into your mind the true and positive thoughts that will attract to you the good that is waiting to manifest for you. For while your mind is cluttered with all those fearful, worrying, discouraged, sick, weak, poverty-tainted thoughts and vibrations, how can you expect Our Father to inspire you with thoughts of a positive, beautiful, beneficial nature?

It is only your negative thoughts that keep you from receiving that which you long for in your life. Just as you cannot have darkness where there is light, you cannot have negative thoughts and positive thoughts at the same time. Poverty stricken thoughts do not attract prosperity or a better job; sick thoughts do not build a healthy consciousness or a healthy body. If you hold the belief that you are a failure, you will experience your belief. You will fail! This is not a punishment from God! You are your own worst enemy! You are what you think you are! You create your own reality with your mind. “As a man thinkith, so he is”, said James Allen.

You might say that this all sounds good, but when one is mired so deeply in difficult conditions that no matter which way he turns he sees only sickness, hunger, poverty or failure facing him, despite all efforts to conquer these conditions, how is he to think of anything else? The world does seem to be a dark and evil place at times if that is all you allow yourself to see. But nothing is as it appears to be. We live in a world of illusion according to the Buddhists. We are in a universal school, a life of hard knocks. We have spiritual lessons to learn.

You have prayed to God, and asked for help, and you have even believed that He has been ignoring you. But who is this God you have been praying to? God in me, as me, is me. God is in and around you. He is everywhere. He is your still small voice within. He is your Higher Self! He is the energy that moves you, that spiritual energy being that lives forever. Energy cannot die. It leaves the body and moves on to other dimensions of reality.

You are an immortal spiritual energy being, a spark of the Divine God. The quickest way for you to know this is to get out of your head and into your HEART. If you do this, you will see that God is with you always and He NEVER ignores you. Go deeply within yourself and meet Him there. We pray to God for all manner of things. But is he hearing your prayers? Are you listening for his responses to your prayers? When you pray, you talk to God. When you meditate, you listen for God to talk to you. Are you listening?

You must stop being anxious and stop worrying about what you shall eat or drink or what you shall wear, for God The Father surely knows what you need, that you must have all of these things. You must learn to constantly abide in His Consciousness where you think only His thoughts, and do only what He is asking you to do. If you follow these instructions every day, your world will become a Heaven on Earth and you will find yourself effortlessly receiving all that Our Father wants to give you.

It is His desire to give you everything. There is no lack of anything. The universe is abundant with everything you could ever want. You must KNOW without doubt that Your Father loves you and you must be willing to allow Him to help you. Otherwise you will continue to suffer. It is not The Father’s desire that you suffer. That has always been your choice. You must control your thoughts

I know that this may seem impossible to you right now. But if you will just stand guard over your mind, control your thoughts, refuse the negative fear thoughts that are clamoring to be fed, you will find your life miraculously improving. This is the ONLY way to live a happy, joyous and abundant life. There is NO OTHER WAY.

Be kind to yourself. Don’t beat up on yourself when you make mistakes. Know that mistakes are only an opportunity to try again until you get it right. You are on this planet to live, learn and to experience, to make mistakes. We are in a school of life. It is important that we learn from our mistakes so hopefully we will not repeat them.

God never judges you. You must stop believing that you have failed Him. You cannot fail God, only yourself! You can only delay your experience of Heaven on Earth. Think about this. People who make a mistake in marriage, then remarry a different person but with all the same problems as they had with the previous marriage. Rather than learning from the mistakes of the previous marriage, they marry a similar personality and wonder why things did not work out again. What could they have changed about themselves or their new spouse? Then in frustration they decide they will never marry again, living out the rest of their life, unhappy, lonely and miserable, only because they did not learn from the mistakes from the first marriage. This need not be! Learn and grow and find a partner more suitable and live a happy, healthy life with a more compatible partner.

Right now, the world around you seems like an evil, mean and scary place. That is because mankind has two problems he must learn to deal with before he can find his way back home to the creator. Yes, that is our ultimate goal. To learn and grow in this earthly school and find our way home to God.

Man cannot get to Heaven until he learns to deal with his ego and greed. Man must deal with self centeredness, selfishness, ego and greed. That is the inner nature of mankind. That is why the world is as it is! Man wants to control and have power over his fellow man. He is full of pride and greed! He becomes a bully and lusts for money and for power! He may seem to get away with hurting innocent people now as he pursues his lusts for money and power, but he will have to meet with his Creator later and will pay for his selfish and evil ways! He will regret that he was selfish, mean, evil to innocent victims of the lust for power and control. (This is a warning to politicians and others in power who abuse their power and steal from those who trust them. It will all catch up to them.)

You must cease to be afraid of the abusive Bully. The bully does not yet understand all that has just been explained to you here! They only think they have power and control. When you abide in His Consciousness, the bully cannot hurt you. Just trust in the love of your Father and follow His instructions and you will be FREE of fear and want. Focus on Love and Service to others. Learn to love your creator and trust that you are blessed. That is the secret to living a healthy, happy and prosperous LIFE.