Food to Eliminate


Soy has processing problems and turns men into women

The soy industry advertises soy as containing phytoestrogen in sufficient dosage to help overcome hormone deficiency in post-menopausal women.  EVEN IF THAT WERE TRUE, how would you justify regularly giving therapeutically significant doses of female hormones to a boy infant?  Or to a boy adolescent whose hormones are already going crazy?  It is what we would call a “gender-bender”. Is it possible that the number of gays we have in this country (and increasing)may at least be somewhat due to soy consumption? Additionally, 80%-90% of all soy in this country is GMO. Even pure, organically grown soy is really not fit for human consumption.

Peanuts may have mold and create allergic reaction

Many people are very allergic to peanuts. Airlines have to be very careful not to distribute peanuts, as the consequences could be fatal. Moldy nuts can be a serious problem, so best to avoid peanuts.

Sugar and chemical sweeteners are toxic and cancer causing

Sugar may not cause cancer, but it is certainly not good for you.  It promotes cancer growth when present. Cancer feeds on sugars.  Aspartame and saccharine are definitely highly toxic.  80% of all the MS in this country is really misdiagnosed Aspartame poisoning; it is a potent neurotoxin at any dosage.  It was foisted upon the American public by Donald Rumsfeld, then-president of Searle, now owned by Monsanto, and believed by many to be one of the most evil corporations on the planet.

Corn is starchy and most corn today is GMO

Organically grown corn is tasty, pleasant, harmless, but of little nutritional use.  OK to eat once a week or so, not as a sole source of vegetables.  Commercially grown corn is not worth eating.  Birds won’t eat GMO corn, nor will squirrels.  They are the smart ones here.

Dairy from unhealthy animals treated with anti- biotics and growth hormones.

Humans lose the ability to metabolize (digest) dairy after weaning. By 5 years old, we all become somewhat allergic to milk and dairy products.  The body ceases to produce lactase, the enzyme necessary to digest lactose.  There is a reason NO other mammal on the planet drinks milk after infancy.  Again, they are the smart ones.  Also, milk contains about 200 million puscells per glass; essentially a glass of pus.  Milk is associated with obesity (fat), diabetes (fat, again), asthma.  POISON.  EVEN ORGANIC MILK and DAIRY.  Any other animals are so poisoned themselves, they are just passing it along to consumers.  Residues of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics round out the toxic soup. Best to avoid milk and dairy.

Eggs from commercial sources not raised in a healthy environment.

This constitutes almost all eggs.  Plus, animal protein (egg white, for instance) is the world’s leading carcinogen.  The yolk of an egg is pure cholesterol.  Are you sure you want to ingest this?  Even if it is organically grown?


Glutin/wholewheat/all breads , create diabetes and obesity, usually GMO. Read the book WHEAT BELLY for clarification.

Juices have concentrated sugar and high calories.

Anything with sugary sweetener in it is most likely to contain HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) now, it is so cheap.  Catsup, jam, Coke, candy.  HFCS, just due to the manufacturing process, is contaminated with mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive metal there is.  HFCS is associated with “leaky gut” syndrome, a nasty disease you really don’t want.

Granola cereals

Many have said that they used to love granola for breakfast and wondered why they had a sugar crash (hypoglycemia) before lunch.  Then they found out how much sugar and fat are in most granola.  Eat it instead of candy, not instead of food.  When a friend stopped eating it, immediately, hypoglycemia went away.

High fat, preserved, processed foods

Don’t need much comment here, except you can add “salted” to the list. Best to eat fruit and vegetables, the greener, the healthier.

All sports drinks

Any drink that is out of a bottle rather than fresh squeezed.

A good rule of thumb:  If man made it, avoid it.  If God made it, eat all you want. Eat natural, clean, non toxic, non polluting foods.  Avoid GMO foods when possible.