New Member Invitation

The Geneva Institute International is a private membership ministry, dedicated to teaching mankind how to physically and spiritually survive and grow in these tumultuous times. Today, mankind faces many challenges: spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial. Geneva members will learn an exciting life-transforming teaching, a message of hope that makes it clear that we are all part of one mind and one reality, that which we call God. When this truth is realized by the people of planet earth, there will be no more divisiveness or animosity for those who are different from us. We may just find the Utopian existence we seek.

When it comes to spiritual questions, a typical concern is “Why am I here?” Is there a reason for my existence? If God is a loving God, why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? Why is my life such a living Hell? Does God have a plan for me? If so, what is it? Am I unlucky? Cursed? Why? Why are we here? What are we here to learn? What is our life mission?  What is death like?  Do we die or live on into infinity? Do all religions go to the same reality, the same place? Where is Heaven? Jesus taught us to love God as ourselves, to love our neighbor, to love our enemy.  His primary message was to love and forgive.  He came to teach us to perfect spiritually!  He came to teach that there is no death! There is everlasting life and joy for each and every one of us!

After a series of blessings addressing the peoples’ physical needs, Jesus offers advice on how to live a good life: “But I say to you that, listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” (LK 6:27-31).

Are these concerns of yours or of someone you love?  If so, becoming a member of the Geneva Institute will help you toward a better understanding of why you are here on Earth, what you are here on this Earth to accomplish, to learn a better understanding of who and what God is, all leading to a more peaceful and loving life and a peaceful world. It has been said that, “God in me, as me, is me.”  Focus on this daily and find peace in a troubled world. God is in each person. You learn this as you move forward in spiritual growth and harmony.

Our ministry message is simple. We encourage a return to the laws of God, the Golden Rule, the Ten Commandments, the basic foundation of many world religions. We must all remember first and foremost that we are all children of the ONE God.  There is no room for racial division!  We are all spiritual energy beings inhabiting a body. Our body is a temple of the living God that we inhabit for a brief period of time. We are here on planet Earth for a reason. The reason we are here is to understand the reason we are here, to learn the lessons we are here to learn, so we can graduate from this “school of life” and return to our Creator.

After reading our mission statement and philosophy, does your personal philosophy align with ours at the Geneva Institute?  If so, if you agree with us, please join us, become a member, and learn who you are and why you are here. Are you interested in learning what is your life’s purpose and your life’s mission? Yes/No?  If yes, then we invite your membership.

Do you have an interest in learning to better understand Jesus, God, the Multi-Verse, Quantum Physics, how your reality is structured, and to learn what is spiritually true? Yes/No?  If yes, we invite your membership.

Would you like to help Geneva to end racial divisions and the corrosive hatred of those who are different?  Yes/No?  If yes, we invite you to become a member of the Geneva ministry, a ministry that may change the world for the better.

Would you like to learn our God-inspired philosophy and join us in making the world a better, more peaceful, loving place for all people, no matter their skin color or religion, no matter how different they may seem to be from others?  Yes/No? If yes, we invite your membership.

Our God is a God of love. He created us all equally. He loves us all equally.  This was the primary message taught by Jesus, the Christ. It is a simple message: Love God and love one another. We are here in this reality, this dimension, to learn to love and forgive. Jesus and other master teachers were sent by God to help us to grow spiritually. It is important for all Christians, and for everyone, to read the Four Gospels.  We have had many wise master teachers sent to planet earth over time to help mankind find answers to their questions and concerns, to learn the great spiritual truths.  These truths you must learn for yourself.  You must do your own research.  Would you like to learn to transform your life and be healthier and happier? Yes/No?  If yes, we invite you to become a member of the Geneva teachings.

We are all multi-dimensional energy beings living simultaneously in several dimensions at the same time, according to many spiritual teachers and scientists. This is a universal truth.  Trying to understand  the infinite with our finite, limited mind, is a concept that is hard to grasp, but it will become much clearer as you learn and grow with the Geneva teachings. Have you ever had a near death or out of the body experience?  Once you do, life will never be the same again. You will know that you are not your body, that you are a spiritual energy being and you are infinite. You never die.  There is no death.

Do you want to learn who you really are in this vast multi-dimensional universal reality? Do you want to learn to leave your body and grow in wisdom, to learn universal truths not taught in many religions? Yes/No?  If you responded with a yes and want to learn more, and better understand who and what you really are spiritually, you are invited to become a member of the Geneva ministry.

The key message of the God of the New Testament is to love God and love your fellow humans.  Do you want to help us to make the world a better place for everyone to live in peace and harmony?  Yes/No?  If you respond with a yes, you are invited to join us in our mission to help bring love, peace, and understanding to this troubled world.

If you would like to change the world for the better, you will help yourself by helping others. If you appreciate our world-changing message, and wish to become a member of the Geneva Institute and agree with our philosophy, then we invite your membership and your help in sharing our important life-saving message.

We are all one people under God, trying to live our life in peace and harmony with each other. We all have the same needs, spiritual, physical, and emotional. We are all the same! We must treat each other with love and respect. If you agree with our message, then please join us and help us to make the world a more peaceful and loving world.  There should not be any room for hate, greed, envy, jealousy, or any of the sins normal to many people. Join us.  Become a member.  Change your world and your life.

Jesus came here on a mission from God, to teach one primary lesson: that God is One, Universal Divine Love. He loves each and every one of us, and we are all brothers and sisters in spirit, in God.  We must learn to love and respect and take care of each other; that is our mission from the Creator;  that is our mission in life on this Earth: To learn to love and forgive. To not learn this lesson is a great transgression. To better understand your reason for being, read The Answer and other writings found on this site.

If you have not found the answers you seek in your spiritual journey, perhaps we can help provide you with some answers to your questions that may make sense, help guide you to a path with which you will feel more comfortable. We are all children of God on a spiritual journey through this school of life, and it is not an easy journey.

A great teacher once said: “One of the best ways to deal with your life journey is to imagine you are on a raft going down a river. You will have a peaceful, beautiful trip, so enjoy the ride. Go with the flow. Occasionally, there will be rapids, turbulence,  and your  ride will be difficult, but you will make it through those rough spots. You will then again enjoy the beautiful,  smooth, peaceful sections of the river that follow.  Life is like your ride down the river.  So, just relax, go with the flow, and enjoy the ride. Trust that God will guide you along the way, no matter how difficult things seem to be at the time.”

Once you realize you are an energy being, a spirit, in a physical body temporarily, here in this dimension (one of many dimensions) for a short period of time (when compared to eternity), and the spirit, the energy being, survives death, life will never be the same for you again.

If you have not left your physical body while you are alive, you need to experience that! Once you have that experience, you will know that you are not your body. You are a spiritual, energy being in a body and that you survive death, and death will never be a concern to you ever again. You will enjoy life so much more; you will live your life more fully. To learn to leave your body and travel the multi-universes of God, the multi-dimensions of God, you must learn the process, which will be available to our members. Would you like to learn to leave your body and travel the multi-verse of God? Yes/No? If yes, we invite you to become a member of the Geneva ministry.

When mankind realizes that Jesus came here on a mission from God, to teach one primary lesson: That God is One, that God is Universal Divine Love, and He loves each and every one of us. We are all brothers and sisters in the Christ spirit, in God and we must all learn to love and respect and take care of each other. Humans are divine! When mankind learns this important teaching from Christ,  the human race, all humanity, will start seeing peace on earth and good will toward men. That is our mission from the Creator! That is our mission in life while on this earth. That is our ministry mission: To help others to understand this message… and much more.

Please read our Mission Statement